The Woman in Cabin 10
by Ruth Ware
The Woman is Cabin 10 doesn’t seem to exist, or does she?
Laura (Lo) Blacklock is a travel journalist with the chance of a lifetime. She has been asked to fill in for her boss aboard the maiden voyage of the Aurora. A week-long trip aboard an exclusive luxury ship filled with rich, influential businessmen and a few journalists. This could finally be Lo’s chance to prove to her boss that she ready for more important assignments.
A few days before her departure, Lo wakes up to a noise in her apartment, when she opens her bedroom door she comes face to face with a man dressed all in black with a ski mask and surgical gloves. He slams the door in her face, locking her in her bedroom, steals her purse and leaves. She goes to her boyfriend’s where they have a fight that leaves things between them unsettled. She is ready for some time to put things into perspective.
Aboard the yacht, Lo begins suffering from PTSD from her burglary. She begins having panic attacks, drinks too much, hardly eats and rarely sleeps. She goes next door to cabin 10 to borrow mascara for the big night. The young, good looking woman in a Pink Floyd t-shirt gives it to her and slams the door. That evening after hearing a scream and a large splash she looks out the balcony door into the next balcony and there is blood on the glass. She calls security and reports that someone was pushed off the ship. No one believes her and there is no one assigned to cabin 10. The security man wants to know if she just imagined it, blaming her drinking and mixing anti-depressants.
On a small ship, alone in the North Sea, with no internet, Lo starts to question her sanity and who she can trust. She knows it happened but where does she go now? And why is her family told that she is the one that is missing.
This is an attention grabber from the beginning. It hooked me from page one with the twists and turns that make Ruth Ware’s books a joy to read.