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  • Laura, Director

The Chemist

The Chemist

By Stephenie Meyer

I was curious how Stephenie Meyer could go from her usual paranormal topics in her older works to the spy genre; I was pleasantly surprised. Think Jason Bourne meets Jennifer Garners’ character in the TV show Alias. The Chemist is about a government agent who worked as chemist creating drugs for interrogation techniques until her “bosses” decided she knew too much and tried to kill her.

“She (Alex) used to work for the U.S. government, but very few people ever knew that. An expert in her field, she was one of the darkest secrets of an agency so clandestine it doesn't even have a name. And when they decided she was a liability, they came for her without warning. Now she rarely stays in the same place or uses the same name for long. They've killed the only other person she trusted, but something she knows still poses a threat. They want her dead, and soon.” Goodreads.

Alex (which is an alas) is a complex and very intelligent woman who has spent the last three years alone trying to stay alive with limited resources. Daniel is supposed to be her last “job” and then the government will leave her alone. Daniel, a 29-year-old history teacher is seen giving a deadly virus to the Mexican Cartel. Alex is worried that she is being set up but she is more worried that Daniel is going to kill innocent children. “Resolving to meet the threat head-on, she prepares for the toughest fight of her life but finds herself falling for a man who can only complicate her likelihood of survival. As she sees her choices being rapidly whittled down, she must apply her unique talents in ways she never dreamed of.” Goodreads

For those readers who are expecting a typical Meyer book – there is no comparison to her other works. This is an adult suspense novel with a good bit of violence with a high body count. There is also a non-explicit sex scene and some light innuendo. Despite the books length it is a fast read that will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat until the conclusion.

I truly loved this book! Enjoy!!!

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