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After the Renovations

Charlotte, Area Librarian

Don’t we all want to make our house more comfortable and appealing? Do you need more space and are wondering how you can get it? What about better access to a room that is underutilized? Where do you go to find ideas? The library, of course. The library has a huge selection of books, DVDs, and valuable websites for any improvement. But, what does a library do when it needs change to better serve its patrons? It plans six months of intense renovations.

The Thibodaux Branch library has been undergoing renovations since January of this year. You may have noticed stepladders with workmen in the ceilings pulling the old air conditioning units out. You may have seen plastic draped over bookshelves protecting books from dust and debris. Perhaps you noticed the “Under Construction to Better Serve You” signs throughout the library. The biggest and most dramatic change is the new HVAC system. These sleek new models are quiet and extremely efficient.

The Audiovisual Room has undergone some changes of its own. Walls were torn down from an adjoining study room. This increased the size and made it a lot more pleasant and user-friendly. At the writing of this blog, staff members are shifting DVDs and audiobooks giving patrons better access and making it easier to find that much wanted item.

One of the biggest changes will be the installation of the lift, or elevator, to the second floor. The lift will be installed in early May. This lift will make the second floor easier to get to for our patrons who are genealogy buffs. Located on the second floor of the library are magazines and newspapers along with Louisiana and genealogy materials. In the very near future, this upstairs area will be designated a “Quiet Zone” where patrons can go to enjoy reading, studying, or researching away from the busier areas.

Apart from the renovations, but very noticeable, are the Friends Book Sale and a new Information Desk. The Friends Book Sale has been moved out of the Teen Zone and into the Café. It gives a new look to the café and offers wonderful books and DVDs for low prices. Also on these shelves is found the Puzzle Swap. If you are a puzzle enthusiast, you may borrow or swap a puzzle for your entertainment. A new look is coming to the Teen Zone in the near future. An Information Desk will be located in the main room of the library. This desk will be manned by a staff member to help patrons with any questions they may have about their accounts, to assist in getting a new library card, or any general library questions.

As the projected finish date nears, the library staff is getting very excited! It has been a long five months for those of us working amid the stepladders, paint cans, duct work and work crews. But, we are extremely happy with the results and know that you will certainly be, also. Thank you for patiently bearing with us.

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