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Video Games Are Coming!

Catherine, Librarian

Library collections are always evolving. The only people who think libraries just have books are people who haven’t set foot in one for far too long. Many rely on us to provide them with great movies, and that’s not even getting into things like music, audiobooks, and electronics like our popular Launchpads. Soon, we will be starting up a new collection that many have asked for, video games!

Right now, we are bringing in games playable on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Wii, and WiiU. Keep an eye out for them at our Thibodaux, Lockport, and South Lafourche branches. Once they are there, people will be able to check out two games per card for two weeks at a time. Is it taking you longer than that to finish the game? You can renew it once for another two weeks. Since video games are pricier than most of our books and DVDs, we will be changing a higher late fee as well, $1 for each day past the due date.

Many of the most popular games on the market are rated M for Mature, so some of these are going to be included in our collection. We realize that kids on their break from school may want to get their hands on these and that their parents may or may not want to allow that. To check out M rated games, we will be asking for ID proving a person’s age to be 17 or older, either that of the person checking out the game, or that of their parent or guardian who is with them at the desk. If you are a parent who sees no problem with your child playing any M rated games, you can come into the library and sign a waiver to allow them to check out any game they wish, even if you are not with them.

We are very excited to be providing our community with this form of entertainment that has become an ever-more prominent part of our culture, and hope you will be excited with us. Play on.

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