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LPPL Celebrates Volunteers

Lynette, Programming Librarian

Volunteers are of HUGE value. Recent studies estimate that about a hundred million people volunteer each year with an annual value in the range of $150 billion. Not only do volunteers help to save money, but they also help organizations provide better service to clients.

Why volunteer? It provides opportunities to meet new people, do enjoyable work, and become a valued part of a team. Volunteers gain and develop new skills, and they have fun while serving the community. They reap the benefit of feeling satisfaction that comes from helping others.

Libraries are great places to volunteer. Teens needing school or club service hours and adults with time to share greatly benefit library services to the community.

What does volunteering in a library look like? Volunteers share skills and talents with others by leading seminars and workshops. They may donate program materials, read to children, or share display collections for community enjoyment. Some coach others with literacy and technology skills, or serve as language interpreters. Volunteers also take part in planning events and improving services by making suggestions and sharing ideas.

Library volunteers also assist with various housekeeping duties. They help with sorting donations, shelf reading, and straightening materials. They also assist with children’s programs, dusting shelves, filling book displays, and the list goes on. Whether helping with a short-term project, regularly scheduled task, or special event, volunteers enrich community libraries throughout Lafourche Parish.

National Volunteer Week is April 23-29, and we are celebrating! Join us as we say thank you to volunteers who make a difference. To learn more about volunteering visit a branch near you.

  • Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul : 101 Stories to Celebrate the Spirit of Caring, Courage, and Compassion.

  • The Kid's Guide to Service Projects : Over 500 Service Ideas for Young People who Want to Make a Difference by Barbara A. Lewis.

  • Start a Community Food Garden : the Essential Handbook by Joy LaManda.

  • The Volunteers' Guide to Fundraising : Raise Money for Your School, Team, Library or Community Group by Ilona M. Bray.

  • Volunteer Vacations : Short-term Adventures That Will Benefit you and Others by Bill McMillon.

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