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Hidden Gems At the Library

Charlotte, Branch Librarian

Amazing events happen at our libraries everyday which make library visits fun and exciting. Perhaps you don’t attend the programs offered but are simply interested in checking out one (or more) items. This is where a knowledgeable library staff can help.

Lots, and I mean lots, of patrons come to check out their daily or weekly allotment of books, magazines, or DVDs. I love to observe the techniques used by these patrons in their selection process. Through these observations, I have placed patrons in three categories.

The first is the library browser. This type of patron has time to spend in the library and browse the shelves for their next reading experience. They spend time looking at titles, thumbing through the books, looking for just the right read. The library browser usually refuses any help and enjoys the thrill of the literary search.

The second is the list-in-hand patron. This type of patron walks in with a list in their hands and will stop at the circulation, information or reference desk and ask for assistance. The list-in-hand patron has an idea of what they want to read but just need some guidance in finding the items.

The third is the specific minded patron. This type of patron has a specific item in mind. They won’t be swayed by anything else. They may ask for help but they also know about the hidden gems that the library system owns.

Library staff members are trained to help all types of patrons find their desired items. However, the Lafourche Parish Public Libraries have some hidden gems that not everyone knows about or remembers. Let me help you cash in on your library rewards by telling you about these gems.

Hidden Gem #1: If you can’t find the item that you desire, ask if it can be requested from another branch.

Hidden Gem #2: The Lafourche Parish Public Library has its own courier system. The courier system runs three days a week between all branches. If you request an item, it will be sent to you within two to three working days.

Hidden Gem #3: If you are interested in reading a new or nearly new release and we don’t have it, we can order it for you. Simply fill out a form found at most Circulation desks.

Hidden Gem #4: If your item can’t be ordered, we will try to ILL it for you. ILL stands for Interlibrary Loan. This consortium enables us to request items not in our collection from other libraries in the state.

Hidden Gem #5: Patrons may return library items to any of the nine LPPL branches. These nine branches are located from Thibodaux to Golden Meadow.

Hidden Gem #6: When in doubt, ask a librarian. Our well-trained staff is here to help you.

Make your next visit to the library an amazing event. Ask a librarian for help and I guarantee that it will be a fun and exciting visit.

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