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It's Back to School Time @ Your Library!

Catherine, Librarian

It's that time of year. The library's Summer Reading program is over, and the new school year is about to begin. Don't think that means that there won't be anything going on at your local library now! Summer Reading may seem like our big blowout, but we have plenty going on all year, and programs for back to school are on the schedule. Here is a selection below, but be sure to contact your local branch so you don't miss out on anything! And of course, the library will always be a great place to find research materials for school projects, and books on subjects that your classes touch on but you want to know more about, as well as fun books, movies, and games for when you need to take a break from working hard! We look forward to seeing more of you!


  • Back to School Children’s Craft (Thursday, August 17, 1:00 pm) Children will use pipe cleaners to decorate the cover of a notebook and decorate pencils with pom-poms and googley eyes. All supplies will be provided. Space is limited so registration is required.

  • Tween/Teen Doodle Bug Locker Magnets (Saturday, August 26, 1:30 pm) Tweens and teens 11 & up will create magnets that resemble bugs. These magnets will be perfect for the home or school lockers. All supplies will be provided. Space is limited so registration is required.


  • Back to School BINGO (Wednesday, August 2, 2 pm) Win school supplies to get ready for the new school year. Games will be run for ages 4-12 and 13-17.

  • Homework LA (Wednesday, August 16, 2:30-5 pm) Let us show you how to get free, one-on-one online tutoring from Homework LA.

Bayou Blue

  • Story Time (Monday, August 7, 10:30 am) Back to school themed rhymes, songs, activities, and stories for children


  • A Pen for Me Craft (Wednesday, August 9, 4:00 pm) It’s the first day of school and space is tight in your desk. Keep your mini treasures in these personalized pen shaped boxes.


  • Back to School Potions Class (Thursday, August 10, 5:00 pm) Tweens and teens can register to learn how to make a “mosquito potion” to keep away those pesky bugs in time for World Mosquito Day on August 20. This potions class will be a fun and informative way to start the new school year. All supplies are provided. Space is limited, so registration is required.


  • Story Times & Craft (Thursday, August 3, 1pm) A back to school story hour for children ages 0 to 5 that incorporates finger plays, song, and dance that follows with a craft program.


  • Back to School Pencil Holder (Thursday, August 10, 2017, 4pm) Tweens & Teens can join us at the Gheens Public Library to create a pencil holder for organizational needs for the new school year.

South Lafourche

  • Storytime (Tuesday, August 8, 10:30 am) A back to school story hour for children (all ages are welcome) that incorporates finger plays, song, and dance and that ends with a craft.

  • Say Goodbye to Summer Snow Cone Day (Tuesday, August 8, 2 pm) Enjoy the last day of summer before the start of school with snow cones at the library.

Golden Meadow

  • Children’s Storytime (Wednesday, August 2, 4 pm) A back to school story hour for any age, but geared to children ages 4 to 12. Followed by a craft.

  • 5th Annual “Back to School Social” (Thursday, August 3, 4 pm) Come have fun and mingle with other children (kids through teens) before school starts, play games, and win prizes. Refreshments will be served.

- Catherine, Librarian

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