Don’t be alarmed if you spy a firetruck roll up at your local library branch in October.
In October, we’ll be celebrating National Fire Safety Month and National Fire Prevention Week, all in an effort to teach children about fire safety.
We’ve all heard “Stop, drop, and roll” – a time-tested fire safety tip to exit a burning structure, but what else is there? Local firefighters will be visiting several Lafourche Parish Public Library branches in October to relay important fire safety tips, give children and their families and up close and personal look at firefighting tools and firetrucks, and get children comfortable being around firefighters.
This last part is also extremely important.
In the event of a fire, children might encounter a firefighter in all of his or her protective clothing and gear, and that could be an intimating sight for a child, especially in an already stressful situation such as a fire. If, however, young children see firefighters this way before an actual emergency, they’ll understand that firefighters are there to help them if they ever do need help.
Local fire departments in Lafourche Parish are sending firefighters to several of our library branches in October, and these visits are always a hit with our library visitors. Bring your cameras or phones as there are sometimes opportunities for children to take photos with firefighters or firetrucks.
It’s also a great opportunity to thank your local firefighters for their willingness to put themselves in harm’s way to protect our communities.
Golden Meadow Branch
Firefighters with the Lafourche Parish Fire District 3 will be visiting several branches in the South Lafourche area, beginning with the Golden Meadow Branch at 4:30 p.m. on October 4. Take a look at one of the department’s firetrucks and learn safety tips from local firefighters. The Golden Meadow Branch will also conduct a “Firefighters Are Our Friends” story hour at 4 p.m. on October 11.
Bayou Blue Branch
Join the Bayou Blue Branch staff for its “Stop, Drop, and Roll” storytime with the Bayou Blue Fire Department at 10:30 a.m. on October 9.
Gheens Branch
The Gheens Branch will also host a Fire Safety storytime with the Vacherie/Gheens Fire Department at 4 p.m. on October 9 in celebration of Fire Prevention Week. Children there can create a fire house dog to bring home and receive coloring books and fold-out fire trucks.
Choctaw Branch
Firefighters with the Choctaw Volunteer Fire Department will visit the Choctaw Branch at 2 p.m. on October 9. Get an up close look at the Choctaw Volunteer Fire Department’s equipment while learning fire safety tips.
Raceland Branch
Join Raceland Branch staff for its “Firehouse Pup” storytime with the Raceland Fire Department at 11 a.m. on October 10 and pick up information on fire safety throughout Fire Prevention Week, October 9 through October 13.
Thibodaux Branch
Members of the Thibodaux Volunteer Fire Department will take part in the Thibodaux Branch’s “Stop, Drop, and Roll” storytime at 10:30 a.m. on October 11.
Lockport Branch
Kids will learn all about fire safety at story time on October 12 at 10:30 a.m. Firefighters with the Lockport Volunteer Fire Department will visit the Lockport Branch at 11 a.m. on October 19.
South Lafourche and Larose Branches
Lafourche Parish Fire District 3 firefighters will also visit during the South Lafourche and Larose branches’ “Fire Safety” storytimes in October. Firefighters will drop by the South Lafourche Branch at 10:30 a.m. on October 17 and then a few days later at the Larose Branch’s “Fire Safety” storytime at 1 p.m. on October 19.
For more information on October events at your local library branch, visit our online calendar at www.lafourche.org or pick up a copy of your branch’s monthly calendar of events.