It’s 1918. The Great War, WWI, has been going on for over four years between the Allied and Central Powers. However, Germany is running out of resources, her allies are surrendering, and support back home is waning. The only choice is an armistice, a ceasefire. At 11 AM on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Germany surrendered. Although WWI officially ended on June 28, 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, November 11, 1918 is the day the fighting stopped, and the honoring of our veterans began. Veterans Day is always observed on November 11, such a historically-significant day, and celebrates our veterans for their patriotism and service.
Veterans Day is an important event for us here at LPPL. Our bayou community is home to so many veterans and their families, and we recognize the sacrifices they have made for our country. In November, our branches host programs in honor of our veterans as a way of saying “thank you” for their dedication to our country and its people. Please join us as we celebrate our veterans this November!
Friday, November 10, All Day Veterans Day Vielle: Enjoy coffee and donuts for Veterans Day!
Friday, November 10, 2 PM Veterans’ Social: We invite all local Veterans and their families to enjoy coffee and cake to show our appreciation of their service.
Wednesday, November 8, 10:30 AM Veterans Day Social: All Veterans are invited to attend a morning of refreshments, friends and music. Please join us to celebrate our Veterans.
Thursday, November 9, 11:30 AM - 1 PM Veterans Day Social & Historical Center Tour: We will be honoring our Veterans with a social with refreshments and a guided tour of the Historical Center.
Friday, November 10, 12 PM Veterans Day Social: In honor of those that served in our Armed Forces, we are holding a Veterans Day social. Veterans, families and friends can socialize with other veterans and enjoy refreshments.
Thursday, November 9, 4 PM Veterans Honorary Social: We are celebrating our veterans in honor of Veterans’ Day with a special social. Come enjoy good company, food, pictures, and stories!
Friday, November 10, 4 PM Veterans Day Social: Meet and greet our area veterans as they are presented with a special gift from the library’s young patrons.
Friday, November 10, 10 AM - 2 PM Veterans Day Open House: Area veterans are invited to the library to enjoy coffee, pastries, and other refreshments.
Thursday, November 9, 9 AM Veterans Day Breakfast: Veterans and their spouses are invited to attend the Thibodaux Branch Library’s annual Veterans Day Program. Gina’s Catering will provide a hot breakfast and the ED White Choir will perform the National Anthem and other songs.
- Brooke, Public Relations Librarian