Here at the Lafourche Parish Public Library we want to serve every member of our communities regardless of their ability to make their way to our locations. Part of our efforts to do this is through our electronic, on-line services like CloudLibrary, Flipster, and Hoopla. Many people, however, still want a real, solid book or disc in their hands. If those people are ill, disabled, or otherwise prevented from leaving home to visit us for at least three months, we offer our Homebound Delivery Service.
People who want to receive this service must complete an application, either over the phone with a library staff member or by sending a completed form to us by mail, fax, or email. The application can be found on our website here. Participants can either select materials from the library catalog or let staff members select materials based on the preferences mentioned in their application. They can also choose to arrange for a family member to pick up their requested library materials or for a staff member to bring them directly to the participant’s home. Items are loaned for our standard twenty-one days through this service and can be renewed once, as long as no one else is waiting for it. Renewals can be done on-line or over the phone. However, since we understand that things happen, overdue fines are not charged, though there will be fines charged for lost or damaged items. Library materials are considered lost when they are 90 days overdue.
Even if you can’t come to us, we here at your library want to be there when you need us. Contact your local branch to enjoy the resources that we have for you! Visit our Homebound Delivery Services Page on our website for more info.