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Join Us for a Fun Summer Program @ the Thibodaux Branch

Charlotte, Area Librarian

Summer will soon be upon us and what better time to start planning fun programs than now! The Thibodaux Branch, with the help of a grant from TaWaSi, is planning its first-ever Summer Foreign Language Immersion Workshop, to be held during the 2018 Summer Reading Program. This fun program will focus on Parisian French and also touch on Thibodaux’s Cajun French heritage.

Open to local youth between the ages of 10 to 15, the program will be arranged in four hour-long sessions. These sessions are aimed at developing basic communicative language skills. Local French teachers, members of the community, and library staff will share their experiences with the French language. Participants will receive individual packets containing learning materials such as workbooks, flash cards, audio discs, and bilingual storybooks. The culminating activity will be an art poster project. The goal of this program is to create both an entertaining and educational summer experience for the local youth.

Interested in learning the French language? Contact the Thibodaux Branch library at (985)447-4119 for a new summer experience. - Charlotte, Area Librarian

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