April is National Poetry Month! The Lafourche Parish Public Library invites you to celebrate poetry at your local library! In conjunction with the monthly celebration is Poem in Your Pocket Day on April 26th. This special day began in 2002 in New York City. In 2008, this day was celebrated throughout the entire country, and in 2016, was adopted in Canada. Share a poem with the people you meet on this day!
Drop in at these branches for special poetry activities:
Poet-Tree for all ages: April 24, 4:00 pm, at Raceland Branch
Poem in a Pocket Giveaway: April 26, all day, at the Thibodaux Branch
Poem in Your Pocket (Receive a poem during check out), all ages: April 26, all day, at the Choctaw Branch
“A Poem in Your Pocket Day” Craft (ages 4-8): April 26, 4:00 pm at the Bayou Blue Branch
Poetry Slam Jam, all ages: April 27, 4:30 pm at the Gheens Branch
While you are visiting the library in April, check out some of the many poetry items available. A Child’s Introduction to Poetry comes with a CD, so children can read and listen to the poems. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman is available in print, on CD, and also available for download. Five Little Monkeys Funny Business is available as a Playaway Launchpad, so children can interact with poems. Whether you are looking for Haiku (Guyku : a Year of Haiku for Boys), Limericks (Twimericks The Book of Tongue-twisting Limericks), Concrete Poems (Blue Lipstick : Concrete Poems) or Sonnets (Shakespeare's Sonnets), the Library has an item to suit your needs. There are also many items to help get you started writing your own poetry, such as The Discovery of Poetry : a Field Guide to Reading and Writing Poems and Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry : How to Write a Poem. Celebrate National Poetry Month at your library!
For more information on Poem in Your Pocket Day, and to download poems to share with others, visit https://www.poets.org/national-poetry-month/poem-your-pocket-day