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What Do You Know About World Book Online?

Van, Reference Librarian

We have many patrons coming in to use our World Book Encyclopedia but many of them do not realize that the library also offers World Book Online through the Research Databases icon from the library page. This website is user friendly, colorful, and animated which makes it fun to use. The Kids section contains the following entries: pictures and videos, world of animals, activities, maps and more, games, important people, compare places and a dictionary. One of the best sections gives great ideas for science fair projects as well as directions as to how get started. The Student section is for junior and high schoolers and begins with a citation builder. Most students by this age are writing research papers involving bibliographies. This is a big asset for them and will expose them to citation construction before they head to college. There are also sections under Kids dealing with maps and atlases, current events, biographies, and featured videos. World Book provides access to hundreds of educational videos something the physical book certainly does not offer. The Advanced section lists some of the top news stories with very up to date information.

World Book Online has a timelines section which is divided into subject categories. A patron can look up a famous person In the Headlines such as Alexander Grahame Bell and then a timeline can be generated with some of the inventor’s key discoveries by dates. The Discover section of World Book besides having topic searches offers access to a life skill section. This is invaluable for young adults exploring practical and useful topics such as buying one’s first car and apartment hunting. World Book Online has practical information for all age groups and makes it easy to search with its colorful and interactive sections. Give it a try today and see World Book as you have never seen it before.

- Van, Reference Librarian

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