If you are looking for an interesting way to study for tests such as the Praxis, ACT, PSAT, etc. EBSCO’s Learning Express database is the one for you. It will give you everything from tutorials, eBooks, and practice tests. If you create an account for yourself through My Center you can save your materials and return to them later. Some of the tests are timed and answers are provided afterwards to help you study. Some of the major tests covered are the MCAT (medical school), LCAT (law school), GRE (graduate school) and GMAT (graduate managerial school). This database will save students fortunes in buying the actual test taking books through Barrons or Kaplan.
Some of the many things you can do besides having access to practice tests is career preparation. You can learn about starting a new career or advancing in one. The High School Equivalency Center will aid you in skills building, and GED and HiSET preparation. For college admissions test preparation there are exercises to help you with the ACT, SAT, PSAT/NM, AP, and TOEFL examinations. The School Center will help you with skill building resources for the classroom and homework success for the elementary, middle, and highschool levels. In the College Students Skills section, there are sub categories that will aid with math, reading, grammar, writing science skills. The Adult Core Skills sections helps adults with math, writing, speaking, and grammar skills and there is also a section that details how to become an American citizen. There is a general search box at the introductory screen that enables you to search for particular tests or skills learning books.
As mentioned, the entire database is divided neatly into comprehensive categories and it is extremely user friendly. The summaries of the tests and books are clear, comprehensive, and informative. This is an invaluable resource for all ages.