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Banning Books Silences Stories: Banned Books Week 2018

Helen, Technical Services Librarian

Launched in 1982, Banned Books Week was established as an awareness campaign to bring attention to the increasing number of banned and challenged books at schools, libraries, and bookstores. Not only does it bring to light efforts being made to restrict access to certain books, Banned Books Week also strives to increase awareness of the harms of censorship of any sort.

Librarians and libraries are your advocates for the Freedom to Read. They also work to protect the ideas of intellectual freedom which encompasses the freedom to hold, receive and spread ideas without restriction, viewed as an integral part of a democratic society.

During Banned Books Week, visit any of the Lafourche Parish Library’s nine branches to experience your own banned books event. Each branch has a banned books display which will provide you with lists and facts about banned and challenged books in America over the years. Also, check out our September newsletter for Can’t Miss events you can attend to celebrate your freedom to read.

Here is a list of the top 10 challenged books of 2017:

Visit to join the celebration of the right to read.

- Helen, Technical Services Librarian

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