The New Year is here and many folks are thinking about changes to be made in our lives for a better year. If you find yourself in this category, you’ll find your local library can help!
Following the theme “New Year, New You” the Thibodaux branch of your LPPL is hosting a plethora of “shape-up” programs. These will range from financial wellness to weight management. For example, January 15th at 5:30, you can join us in Thibodaux for a program on healthy eating habits!
We even have some activities for the kiddos!
If you want to get in on the fun, grab yourself a Thibodaux January calendar, check out our online calendars at www.lafourche.org, or call your Thibodaux branch to find programs and times!
If you’d rather be more discreet in your personal journey, don’t forget, we have a book for almost everything! Whether your goal is to save a little extra money or start doing yoga, your LPPL has books for that!