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Volunteers Wanted @ Your Library to Collect Stories!

Helen, Technical Services Librarian

The Lafourche Parish Library, along with the Jean Lafitte National Park Service and StoryCorps, is seeking volunteers to train as interviewers to collect stories from local citizens about life on the Louisiana bayous. StoryCorps is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing local history by interviewing participants on their experiences. Collected stories will be a part of the StoryCorps digital archives which features more than 200,000 conversations from all 50 states and around the world.

And this is where you come in - volunteers are needed to train as interviewers to help us preserve our unique local history. The library is offering two workshops where you can learn the skills needed to document these valuable oral histories.

You can register at the Thibodaux or South Lafourche branches, by phone, or by email:

  1. Wednesday, April 10, 5-7 p.m. Thibodaux Branch Library 705 West Fifth Street Thibodaux, LA (985) 447-4119,

  2. Tuesday, April 16, 4:30-6:30 p.m South Lafourche Branch Library 16241 East Main Street Cut Off, LA (985) 632-7140,

You can also register online on the library website:

  1. Go to Register for Programs in the top right of website.

  2. Type in “Collecting stories” in the Keyword box, hit enter.

  3. Choose the workshop you would like to attend.

  4. Click “View More.”

  5. Fill in the registration form and submit.

Please help us make this worthy program a success by volunteering your time and talents. And, bring a friend!

Funded with support from the Louisiana Folklore Society, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area, the Louisiana Division of the Arts and the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism.

- Helen, Technical Services Librarian

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