Internet connectivity is vital for so many aspects of our lives. Completing homework assignments, applying for jobs, paying bills, staying connected to family and friends, and keeping up with current events are just a few reasons we must have it. If you need to connect at home, outdoors, or almost anywhere, you’ll want to check out a Hotspot.
Hotspots are portable devices that provide Internet to you wherever you are. Connect your phone, tablet, laptop, or any other device to free Internet service. These pocket-sized devices come with a charger and case. They are currently available at the Thibodaux, Lockport, and South Lafourche library branches.
Here are a few things to remember:
Checkout and use is completely free.
Devices check out to patrons ages 18 and older
Valid library card and Driver’s License or ID required
Loan period is 7 days
Hotspots may be requested at any LPPL library branch