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Back-to-School at Your Library

Katina, Area Librarian

Gathering up your back-to-school supplies?

Don’t forget your library card.

Your library is a great place to do homework, find homework help, or locate that resource needed to finish up a project or other school activity.

Need help learning how to use your library?

Drop by the Lockport Branch for Using the Library Family Night at 5 p.m. on August 29. Learn to use the library through stories, song, and maybe even a scavenger hunt during this family storytime.

Can’t make it to Lockport?

Talk to staff members at your local library branch. They’ll be happy to help you navigate the library and all of its resources, including its online resources.

Learn to find books and articles, use online encyclopedias and other databases and more in August at your library branch.

Our online databases can help you learn a new language; learn how to use various computer programs; find biographical, historical, literary, scientific, and other information; and more.

We’ve got resources you’ve heard of before like World Book Online and some you likely haven’t such as EBSCOhost and Explora Quick Search to help you find the info you need.

Are you unfamiliar with our online resources?

We can help.

Research basics for teens at the Thibodaux branch

Children and teens ages 12 to 18 can explore great research databases, web resources, and reference books at a research basics class to be held at 4:30 p.m. on August 22 at the Thibodaux Branch Library, 705 W. Fifth Street. Brush up on your research skills and Modern Language Association (MLA) Citations for the coming school year.

Students visiting any of our library branches can ask a library staff member for help in learning about and using library resources like our online research databases for children and teens. (They’re free to use with your library card and can be used from home by those with Internet access. Don’t have Internet access at home? Stop by your library branch and ask about our Internet hotspots.)

Need more specialized help?

Try Homework Louisiana.

Homework Louisiana

Homework Louisiana is a free, live online tutoring service provided by the State Library of Louisiana to Louisiana residents and available through local public libraries. It provides live one-on-one help for those in kindergarten through college from 2 p.m. to midnight on Sundays through Thursdays.

Tutors are experts in their field and will thoroughly explain concepts to students having difficulty. They will assist students in arriving at the correct answers, but will not do the work for them. That is, they won’t simply give students the correct answer; they’ll make them work for it. Tutors undergo rigorous screening processes, both academic and otherwise, to ensure that students will be given quality assistance and will be safe online.

To take advantage of this free service, visit and click on the link for our Digital Library. Afterwards, you’ll have to input your library card, but then, you’ll be able to access our available online resources, including Homework Louisiana. (Don’t have a library card? Drop by your local Lafourche library branch and talk to a staff member.)

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Have a child not yet in school?

Ask about 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is an early reading literacy program that aims to get parents reading to their children; specifically, it aims to get parents and children reading 1,000 books before their child begins kindergarten.

Program goals are to have children ready to read by kindergarten and to foster positive interaction between parents and children and with their local library.

Parents can register their children at any Lafourche library branch at any time and will be given information about the program and their child’s first reading log.

Each time the child reaches certain milestones (for 100, 300, or 500 books, for example), rewards follow. When the child reaches 1,000 books, they can take part in a graduation ceremony and have their photo taken to be displayed on their library branch’s Wall of Fame.

To become a program “graduate,” children who register must complete the 1,000 books challenge by August 1 of the year in which they enter kindergarten.

Our library branches each year host 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten programs in September to introduce the programs to parents, enroll new children in the program, and celebrate the successes of children currently enrolled.

Look out for those at your local library branch.

- Katina, Area Librarian

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