The Science Reference Center will help students and teachers alike with multiple science topics and disciplines. It covers over 600 sources ranging from encyclopedias to journals. The interface is extremely user friendly and gives the user multiple ways to search. You can begin by browsing categories such as specific disciplines applied, earth, life and physical sciences. You can also search more specific categories such as scientists, space sciences, and astronomy. If you search Astronomy, even more specific topics are given. Some examples are constellations, novas, the Milky Way, red dwarfs and dark matter. At the top of the menu you can do a basic search and see your search history. An advanced search helps you search specifically for full text articles, specific document type (abstract, biography), illustrations, etc. The opening page of the database will also give you a highlighted article for the day. On the day I was looking at the databases, drones were in the spotlight. To the right of the introductory screen, there is a reference shelf which will help teachers and students alike. Lesson plans, science experiments, citation help and worksheets are all given which will prove invaluable during the school year. If you create an account for yourself, you can have folders that will save much of your research articles for you to examine at a future time. Colorful graphics and illustration are given in many of the publications.
- Van, Reference Librarian