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LPPL's Summer Experience 2020: An Epic Summer from Home!

Brooke, Public Relations Librarian

The Lafourche Parish Public Library Summer Reading Program that you know and love is now called our "Summer Experience." New name, same summer fun, except this year we are going 100% virtual! Are you ready to experience a summer beyond your wildest dreams? Our 2020 Summer Experience is headed to your home this June and July to the theme of "Imagine Your Story." Go on an epic adventure, exploring fairy tales, mythology, and fantasy, while also having so much fun ... all from the comfort and safety of your home. Imagination has no limits when you explore with Lafourche Parish Public Library this summer - your quest begins June 1!

This is the first time we have ever held a 100% virtual summer at the library, and we know that you have some questions about how things are going to work. The purpose of this blog post is to go over some of the basics that you will need to know to have an epic summer with your library. For a more detailed explanation, we recommend you check out our Summer Experience website.



Our 2020 Summer Experience is 100% virtual, which means that you can log your reading hours, participate in programs, and enter in prize drawings without ever leaving your house! This summer, we are using Beanstack to log participation, earn badges, and win prizes. Plus, we are streaming programs on Facebook, YouTube, and our website for you to participate in from home. Check out our graphic below for more info on how you can have an epic Summer Experience at home!



Beanstack makes participating in our 2020 Summer Experience from home fun & effortless. Track your reading, complete challenges, earn badges and tickets, and win prizes! You can register for our Summer Experience on Beanstack on or after June 1. Check out our graphic below for info on the types of activities we will be logging in Beanstack.

Visit our Summer Experience website for more info on Beanstack. If you need assistance with Beanstack, we are always happy to help - just reach out!



Another change for Summer Experience 2020 is that our events will be 100% virtual, and will consist of online performances, workshops, story times and demos, as well as Take and Make crafts. Check out the info below or visit our Summer Experience website for more detailed info about our summer events.

All of our Online Events will be available on Facebook, YouTube, and on our website. All Online Events will premiere at 10:30 AM on their scheduled day, but will also be available for viewing later. LPPLibrary-created content, such as Online Story Times, will be available for viewing all summer long, but other content, such as Online Performances and Online Artist Workshops, will only be able to be viewed on scheduled days, so tune in before they expire! Find our full schedule of Online Events on our Summer Experience website. If you prefer to watch our Online Events on our website, you can find them here.

Our sensational storytellers are providing Online Story Time every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! Story time premieres at 10:30 AM. Wednesday and Friday story times are themed, with Wednesdays being Yoga and Fridays being "View and Do." View and Do Story Times include a craft. Pick up your View and Do crafting supplies at any branch starting the Monday of the story time premiere. Then tune in on Friday to create your masterpiece!

We are also offering Take and Make crafts this summer - we provide the ideas and supplies for you to craft at home! Stop by your local branch and take a craft to make at home. New crafts for a variety of ages will be put out every Monday at all branches. Crafts will be available throughout the week, while supplies last.



Summer Experience shirts and bags go on sale curbside starting Tuesday, May 26! Shop early for the best selection - sizes and quantities limited. Check out our graphic below for designs, sizes, and prices.



Show your library-pride with your very own Summer Experience Yard Sign! Please note that when you register, Beanstack will tell you to pick up a yard sign at your branch - our yard sign shipment has been delayed, but the signs will be available for pick-up soon. We will update when you are able to go to the branches to get them.


We are so happy that you have decided to join us for our very first 100% virtual Summer Experience! We know that this summer is going to be different from years past, but we hope that it is an enjoyable experience for you, nonetheless. Remember that we are here to make your summer EPIC, so if there is any way that we can be of assistance, just reach out! Our staff are always happy to help. Now, who is ready to go on an epic adventure with us? The fun starts June 1!

- Brooke, Public Relations Librarian

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