Happy October! It's a little hard to believe that the strange year that is 2020 is almost over, but here we are. As state restrictions are gradually lifted, we are able to offer more services and offerings in our branches, and this month, we are now able to provide something that we think you will be pretty excited about ... in-branch programming!
Yes, in-branch programming returns to our libraries this month on a limited basis! We are committed to providing a safe re-introduction of the programs you know & love back into our branches; therefore, the following safety measures will be in place:
Branches will host one in-branch program a week
Number of program participants will be limited
Program participants must wear a mask & practice social distancing
Program materials will be sanitized before & after use
No food or drinks will be served
No online registration
We know that not everyone feels comfortable attending program right now, so we will continue to offer Take & Make and Online Programming as well! If you aren't yet familiar with our online programming schedule, check out our current offerings below. Programs premiere at their scheduled time on Facebook, YouTube, & lafourche.org, & are available for viewing at anytime after the premiere.
Mondays: New Take and Make crafts become available at all branches
Tuesdays: New Online View & Do Story Time premieres at 10:30 AM
Wednesdays: New @Home with Your Library workshop premieres at 4 PM
Thursdays: New STEAM Sit Down Online workshop premieres at 4 PM
Fridays: Play online video games with us on Twitch at twitch.tv/lafourcheparishlibrary
Saturdays: New Bedtime Story Time premieres at 4 PM
We are happy to be getting back into the swing of things at Lafourche Parish Public Library, and we look forward to being able to offer your more of the services & resources you know & love in the upcoming months.
- Brooke, Public Relations Librarian