Lafourche Parish Library is offering a range of services and special programs during the month of September. All of our programming due to the pandemic will be online. You can gain access to our online programs by going to “Online Events with your Library” from the main library page. Many of our craft programs range from arts and crafts classes, STEAM activities, and bedtime story time programs.

It is also Library Card Sign-Up Month. This year our theme is Wonder Woman. You can come in and sign up for a special edition Wonder Woman Card. If you currently have a card you can upgrade your current card for $1.00. You can also take a photo with our superhero cityscape background that will be traveling to different branches.
September is Fine Forgiveness Month. If you have fines for certain unreturned items or late fees, you may bring in non-perishable goods or pet food to help pay that. These items will be donated to local charities. A staff person can determine the quantity of items you will need to bring to cover your fines. Fines for the following items are not included: Hotspots, iPads, Laptops, Nooks, Playaways, Views and video games. We only offer this service March and September each year so take advantage of this great offer.

We also have our 1000 Books before Kindergarten program in which you can read books with your infant child up until they begin school. If you read at least one book per night that will definitely add up before they are five years old. For every 100 book milestone that you reach, your child will be eligible for rewards and photo opportunities on our social media sites. You can keep a physical log of the books that you read or do it online through our Beanstack service. This includes any books that are read to your child whether it’s by a teacher or a sibling.
You can receive more detailed information for any of these programs simply by visiting our website.
- Van, Reference Librarian