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What's Happening: October 2021

Writer's picture: Lafourche Parish Public LibraryLafourche Parish Public Library

Welcome back to your Lafourche Parish Public Library! We hope that October finds you well after the devastation our parish has experienced over the past month. The good news is that we are back in business and ready to assist you with all of your needs as our community works toward recovery. Check out what's happening at your Lafourche Parish Public Library this month:



We are pleased to share that all of our branches have re-opened for regular hours with the exception of our South Lafourche and Golden Meadow branches, which were significantly damaged during Hurricane Ida. Additionally, we are now offering extended hours in Gheens until further notice, Monday - Thursday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM.

Available Spotlight Services at All Branches:

  • Check out & return items

  • No fines charged for late returns through October 31

  • Computers & WiFi available

  • Copying & printing available

  • Free faxing for FEMA, food stamps, & insurance purposes

Some branches have been experiencing internet, power, & phone/fax outages, which will affect the services available. Please contact your branch before visiting if you need to verify that a particular service is available.



No tricks, just treats! Due to Hurricane Ida, we are not charging fines for ANY item returned late through October 31. Food donations are welcome, but not required, to take advantage of this promotion. Any donations will be given to local food banks & animal shelters.



Our popular Second Harvest Frozen Meals program is back for the 2021 - 2022 school year! We are offering FREE frozen meals for school-aged children Mondays - Thursdays from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, while supplies last. There is no registration and children do not need to be present for pick-up.

*We will not start serving meals in Larose until Monday, October 11. There will be no meals served at South Lafourche and Golden Meadow due to the branches being closed due to damage sustained during Hurricane Ida.



October is Star Wars Reads Month! Star Wars Reads is a month-long celebration of reading and Star Wars every October. To celebrate, we are offering a NEW Baby Yoda library card to you at no cost! Upgrade to a Baby Yoda card for free with any check out this October. This promotion is available at all of our open branches through October 30. This is the library card you are looking for ... find the force at your Lafourche Parish Public Library today!



Due to our South Lafourche and Golden Meadow branches being closed due to Ida damage, we have added a book drop location down the bayou so our patrons can return materials. Patrons can return items checked out from ANY of our branches in this book drop.

The new book drop is located in the parking lot of the South Lafourche Bank at 16582 W. Main Street in Galliano. This is located across the bayou from the South Lafourche Library.

We ask that patrons please do not place moldy or wet items in the book drop, as we do not want to contaminate the other materials. No fines will be charged for items damaged in Ida, so we do not need them returned at this time.



Receive free legal help from this October with our Lawyers in Libraries events being held in Lockport and Thibodaux! We have partnered with several local law firms to host Lawyers in Libraries events at the end of the month.

Lawyers in Libraries events provide free legal help to citizens & can provide assistance with: bankruptcy, civil lawsuits, collection matters, custody, divorce, evictions, FEMA/disaster benefits (including issues related to Ida), food stamps, foreclosures, housing, Medicaid, Social Security, SSI/SSDI, successions, taxes, wills. These events do not handle criminal matters. There is no registration required. Events are first come, first served.

Lawyers in Libraries Events:

  1. Ask a Lawyer Consultations with David Peltier (Thibodaux) – Tuesday, 10/26 from 11 AM – 1 PM

  2. Ask a Lawyer Consultations with Sarah Legendre (Thibodaux) – Wednesday, 10/27 from 11 AM – 1 PM

  3. Everything You Need to Know about Successions with Gene Gouaux (Lockport) – Wednesday, 10/27 from 1-3 PM

"Lawyers in Libraries" events are hosted annually by the Legal Education & Assistance Program (LEAP). LEAP is designed to help people find information about their legal issues as well as identify resources, services, and attorneys in their area. LEAP is a partnership of the LSBA, LSU Law Library, Law Library of Louisiana, Louisiana Library Association, Southeast Louisiana Legal Services, State Library of Louisiana, and individual public libraries across the state. More info:


And this isn't all! Visit, our social media channels, or stop by one of our branches to discover even more ways to have fun at your library this October.

- Brooke, Public Relations Librarian



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